
How to Command the Stage: The Power of Body Language in Presence and Performance
Presentation skills Jimmy Cannon Presentation skills Jimmy Cannon

How to Command the Stage: The Power of Body Language in Presence and Performance

When you think of a powerful speaker, what stays with you? Is it the slides? The tech setup? Or is it the sheer presence that fills the room? Chances are, it’s that unmistakable aura of authority, confidence, and energy that draws you in and holds your attention. Great speakers don’t just speak; they inhabit the space, commanding attention with every move. But how do they do it?

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How to Develop a Smooth, Soothing Speaking Voice for Leadership
Presentation skills Jimmy Cannon Presentation skills Jimmy Cannon

How to Develop a Smooth, Soothing Speaking Voice for Leadership

Have you ever been told to simply “speak confidently,” only to find that your voice feels tight or forced? This advice is misleading, creating the illusion that a smooth, engaging voice is innate. The truth is that cultivating a warm, soothing voice requires practice and technique. Many leaders believe they should instinctively know how to project authority with their voice, but this false assumption holds them back. Great voices are not born—they are built through mastery of breath, pitch, and resonance.

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Social Anxiety Disorder
Public Speaking Anxiety Jimmy Cannon Public Speaking Anxiety Jimmy Cannon

Social Anxiety Disorder

The Role of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 

Let's cut to the chase: speaking in front of people is scary for a lot of us. Traditional tips? Not always helpful. What if we told you about a different approach? Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is all about embracing those jitters, not fighting them, and focusing on what really matters to you. Sounds refreshing, right? Dive into how ACT could be the key to turning your public speaking fear into something you can handle with confidence.

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What is glossophobia, and can we live with it?
Public Speaking Anxiety Jimmy Cannon Public Speaking Anxiety Jimmy Cannon

What is glossophobia, and can we live with it?

Let's talk about glossophobia, which occurs when the prospect of speaking in front of others sends shivers down your spine. Consider this: you're about to speak, and your palms start sweating, your heart is racing, and you'd rather be anywhere but here. Sound familiar? Well, you are not alone. It turns out that approximately 75% of us experience this fear at some point.

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