Accent modification public speaking training

Accent Modification

Be heard.

Accent modification public speaking training

Accent Modification is for:

  • Professionals who want to improve their workplace communication skills.

  • Those who avoid social interactions due to their accent.

  • Non-native English speakers who believe their speech is difficult to understand by others.

  • Actors who want to learn to speak with a different accent in order to play a specific role.

  • People who want to make a strong accent less noticeable.


Are you a non-native English speaker who finds it difficult to communicate effectively with customers in other countries about your products and services? It can be difficult to make yourself understood, to find the right words, tone, and style to build rapport with clients and, ultimately, to secure business opportunities.

But don't worry; with the help of a public speaking coach, you can overcome these challenges and improve your communication skills. Our public speaking training program includes accent modification and voice training for beginners, which can make your accent sound more natural and understandable. You'll also learn how to speak confidently and present effectively in any situation.

Investing in communication training and accent modification will give you a competitive advantage in the global market. You'll be able to communicate more effectively, gain client trust and credibility, and ultimately increase the success and growth of your company.

Don't let language barriers hold you back; enrol in our program today and improve your communication skills!


What will we cover?

  • Vowel placement

  • Word stress and sentence stress

  • Accent Reduction into British English

  • Intonation

  • Articulation

  • Breathing exercises

  • Voice modulation

Accent modification public speaking training